SupPORT OpeRation Encore
Thank you for considering supporting Operation Encore and our veteran artists.
Operation Encore is a music career accelerator that showcases the singer-songwriter talents of veterans and military members. We seek out talent from across the military and veteran communities to produce and highlight their original music and provide opportunities to showcase their talents and advance their careers. OE has been featured on numerous print, television, and radio media outlets and has played live shows across the country and overseas.
Your donation will help us continue to provide numerous services for these talented musicians, including:
Education and Training
Live Performances
Marketing, Advertising, and Distribution of Original Music
Professional Networking
Studio Time
Travel Expenses
Talent Search
...and much more!
We named this project Operation Encore to emphasize that life following military service is limitless. Veterans can go back to school, start new careers, open businesses, run for public office, and even become rock stars! Music is a powerful medium, and the music we make is genuine and inspired by personal experience in service. Help us make more!
Operation Encore is currently transitioning to non-profit status under section 501(c)(3) of the federal tax code. Contributions made while the IRS application is under review will be retroactively considered tax-deductible once we are granted tax-exempt status. Once this occurs, we will notify all of our patrons so they can take advantage of the tax benefits of their donation. In the unlikely event we are not granted tax-exempt status before next year's filing deadline, contributions will not be tax deductible.